Brand New Baby L

Meet Baby L ~ he is less then 24 hours old in these photos. Baby L is the cousin of Miss R from the Sunflower fields post a few days ago. As it turns out I happened to be traveling to the same town that Baby L was being born in. I got to visit with him and his mom the morning after he was born. A healthy baby boy- 8lbs 11 oz and a head full of dark black hair. He brought back so many memories for me of when my little girl was born exactly 3 years ago from the day Baby L was born. She too was born weighing over 8lbs and with a head full of dark hair, now she has beautiful blonde hair!! I'll have to dig up her old baby photos to show you just how much she looks like Baby L. I was only there for a short time so I did not get to meet Baby L's dad or big sis- so Congratulations!


Beach Portraits

It's been a crazy past few weeks around here but I will do my best to get my blog updated with all my recent sessions.

My family spent a week at the Jersey shore the end of July. While there we got to visit with my cousins and their children. It had been 5 years since we were there last so it was crazy to see how much the kids had grown up - of course my son has grown up too- but you just seem to remember the kids as forever the age they were the last time you saw them - then you see a pre-teen walk in the door and you realize that is little "Miss Sydney" only she is anything but little- she is a beautiful teenager!!

While on vacation I had the opportunity to take photos of my cousin's family & her 3 boys. They were so much fun and full of life. I can guarantee there is never a dull moment in her household! Since we don't live anywhere near an ocean these were the first beach portraits I have done. I absolutely love doing beach portraits - there is just something about the feeling that a beach portrait portrays. Next time we make it to the jersey shore I just may have to stay for 2 weeks and book some beach portraits at night! Of course at our rate it is likely to be another 5 years!!


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