Master Bedroom Reveal

Wohoo!! The Master Bedroom is decorated and looks like a real master bedroom, something I am proud of and glad to show off when people want to see our new house!! Wohoo!! This is huge..I mean we lived in our old house for 4 years without anything but a picture of my husband's season tickets hanging on the walls- no bedspread, no pictures, no curtains, no lamps, nothing!! This is huge, I mean HUGE for me and I love it!!

So if you remember this is what we started with- as you can see the previous owners had these wonderful(not) shades thruout the entire house- notice the sag in the middle of them!! Also you can see they had little cafe rods up at one point over the windows. I had purchased this brown comforter set shortly after we moved in- but it was scratchy and I was not very happy with the fact that it was already showing some wear. The pillows I started collecting once I knew that I was going to stick with the green color. The nightstands I had just purchased from Kohl's on clearance.

If you ever wondered how big a difference curtains make- just compare both sides of this photo and you can see it is HUGE!! I was also trying out the lamps and different shades to see which ones I liked the best!

Both curtains are up- mounted much higher then the window. I chose to only put one panel up on each window because I planned to keep them closed to cover the terrible sagging shades behind them, plus we rarely open these curtains!! I really liked this look- it was neat and matched but maybe a bit too much- and I did not realize just how dark it was going to turn the room. {{notice the white shades on the lamps now}} Still missing some art work over the bed.

The finished product!! I decided to go with a white bedspread to lighten up the room some and added some white accent pillows. The artwork over the bed came from Bed, Bath & Beyond and was a collection. The white armchair was my grandmother's and works perfectly in here!! You can see the light shining in the windows behind the curtains- these were 95" curtains so they went a bit above the window and helped balance out the room height.

Another view- this lets you see the framed art a bit better. We have family photo walls everywhere in our house so I did not want that over our bed too- I am thinking over time of replacing these with photos of our favorite vacation spots.

Notice my green jack!! I eyed that for weeks at Target before I pulled the trigger and bought it- good thing too because the next time I went in there the whole section of green had sold out!

And here is your before/after shot so you do not have to scroll all the way back up!

What a difference it makes! Still have the other half of the room to finish but I am loving the way this half looks!!



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