Get out of Debt in 2012!!

Do you know who this guy is? He has probably been one of the most influential men in my life! Ha! I say that like I know him personally...well I almost met him once and I was featured in his book many years ago so for now that is as personal as I can get!

Meet Dave Ramsey- author of The Total Money Makeover(the book I was in), radio host of the Dave Ramsey Show and the founder of the Financial Peace program.

I know that as 2012 starts many of you have made new years resolutions and some of you included getting control of your finances or paying off your debt as part of yours. I am going to tell you the biggest piece of advice I can...find a Financial Peace class being offered at a local church- and sign up! You do not have to be a member of the church and trust me this program will change your life FOREVER!! Find a Class

I still remember walking into the first orientation class when I was a single mom and 25 years old and asking the coordinator if this class would teach me how to write a budget! She laughed and said DEFINITELY!! I went home and asked my mom if I could borrow the money from her to enroll and sign up- it was one of the greatest gifts she ever gave me.

12 weeks later I had paid off a huge amount of debt and my life would forever be changed as well as the lives of those in my family..I'll post about just how much Financial Peace has changed my family tree and my story soon.

So go check out Dave Ramsey's website and Find a Class

Trust me ..... It will change your life forever!

PS- if things are so bad that you can't afford the class fee check with the coordinator- often the church provides a few scholarships for families to attend their programs. The orientation class is free- so there is no harm in checking it out :)

PPS- if you still can't figure out a way to get into the class then at least go out and buy the book- it is an easy read and a great start!

Nicki  – (January 6, 2012 at 3:24 PM)  

Many - many years back my husband read of Dave Ramsey - and before there were shows or classes, we started the process. It was the first process that finally changed my husband's old habits (me = frugal, him = not so much).

Admin  – (January 9, 2012 at 2:35 PM)  

Nicki- Our house is the opposite. I am the spendy one my husband saves like crazy! I am actually going to go back thru the class- now that it has been 10 years and get myself re-energized for the next!!

Carlisa Lyndon  – (March 1, 2012 at 8:07 AM)  

Getting a grip of your finances is a nice way to start the new year. Attending a Financial Peace class is a brilliant idea. Do not hesitate to get all the help you can get to achieve financial freedom.

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