Gingerbread Houses
My daughter loves to decorate Gingerbread Houses- she usually starts asking about the time Thanksgiving rolls around when they will get the chance to decorate their gingerbread house. Which means this momma snaps up 2 prebuilt houses as soon as Target puts them on sale in early November!! Because you never know when that perfect afternoon will come when everyone is bored...
This year my kids had their own designs in mind and so I did not get to help too much- might have to pick myself up one next year! Maddie wanted her roof iced just like the designs because she was going to put a colored "light" in each one! With red & white lights on the roof top!
Parker was very focused on his and while both kids had similar ideas they both completed them in different ways..which is always interesting to me!
Oh and I guess here is where I should put the photo of the finished houses except my kids never finished theirs!! So we have 2 almost done houses on our kitchen table...oh well that's the way things turn out sometimes..but the smell of gingerbread still fills my kitchen & hearth room...yummy...
I'm ALMOST embarrassed to say this - but, well, here it is: I've never made a gingerbread house. I even own an entire cookbook dedicated to the making and decorating of gingerbread houses - but I've just never gotten around to it. Gingerbread cookies: yes (one year with stained glass art frosting). Cookies: yes; Houses: no. So partially decorated would be a step up for me. (I'll scooch back into my gingerbread corner of shame).
Don't feel bad, I think I did my first one about 3 years ago at work!! Plus I use the houses that are already pre-assembled from Target. I am just too impatient to wait for the icing to harden before you can decorate on the ones you assemble yourself!
Your kids did a beautiful job - even if they didn't finish their houses!!