Jack says Goodbye

As the story goes on Christmas Eve Santa picks up all the elf on a shelf elves on his way back to the North Pole. I had been so proud of Maddie for not touching Jack this year because apparently our neighbors have an elf that you can touch once he has been found and she really wanted to play with Jack too. So thanks to pinterest I saw a note for the kids for the last day(Christmas Eve morning). I modified it for us and to allow her to play with him and sat him on the entry way tree (where sadly he has been a couple times before) and she awoke to quickly read the note and then take him off the tree and hug him...I actually let her play with him for about an hour before I made her put him back on the tree.

When her brother arrived home from out hunting that morning she was so excited to show him the note and tell him about the hug! And thankfully being the big brother he is...he quickly grabbed up Jack and gave him a big hug!!

Here is a close up of the note in case you would like to use it next year! Of course this could have been on nice christmas paper and such- but you know when you think of things just minutes before your child wakes up you do what you can to pull it off!!

Parker, Jack & Madison Christmas Eve 2011!!

P.S. I know it's after Christmas, sorry..I promise I only have a couple of Christmas related posts this week then it's back to recipes and DIY projects!!

Nicki  – (December 29, 2011 at 9:06 AM)  

That is a very cute idea. I regret that the whole Elf on the Shelf phenomenon came after my kids were too old to appreciate it - (especially since we've had an elf on our tree from when I was a little girl) - but it sounds like both your children were entertained by your family elf, Jack.

Reds  – (December 30, 2011 at 5:12 AM)  

How fun that your beautiful daughter got to hug her elf!! I wish I had an elf when I was a kid!

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