Pizza Balls

Another great family friendly recipe that the whole family can get involved in cooking and these are oh so yummy....

What you need:
1 can of biscuits
Pepperonni or sausage
Shredded Mozzarella
Muffin Tin
Cooking Spray

1.Spray your muffin pan with cooking spray or Pam.

2.Use a knife or kitchen scissors to cut each biscuit into 4 sections- I used the generic kroger biscuits and they were a bit small I would suggest purchasing name brand biscuits if possible.
3. Cut up pepperonni or sausage to small pieces.
4.Then put 3-4 sections in your hand, add cheese and filling(pepperonni) and squish together like a snowball. This is where your little ones can help- they love squishing it all together! Place each ball into a section of the muffin pan.

5. Bake according to biscuit instructions or at 350 for around 15-17 minutes or until golden brown.

These were heavenly- however we had a bit of trouble getting them out of the muffin pan- guess I added a bit too much cheese. Other friends have made these with no problems. But no worries the boys in my house made sure to scrape out as much as they could of the leftovers in the pans!!



Margaret  – (November 9, 2011 at 10:58 AM)  

Yum! What a fun family cooking project!!

Tracie  – (November 10, 2011 at 11:11 AM)  

Those look delicious! Thanks for sharing :)

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